
Made from the Georgia-grown Norton varietal grapes, this American grape resembles European reds more than other native American grapes and has won gold medals in international competition. With a robust flavor, hints black pepper and cloves, this wine is complimentary to a Rare/Medium Rare filet.   Dry, Oaky, Tannic Red Wine...

Made from the Georgia-grown Norton varietal grapes, this American grape resembles European reds more than other native American grapes and has won gold medals in international competition. With a robust flavor, hints black pepper and cloves, this wine is complimentary to a Rare/Medium Rare filet.


  • Dry, Oaky, Tannic Red Wine
  • Native to Virginia (Grape was Developed by Thomas Jefferson)
  • Hints of Spice: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, All Spice, and Cloves
  • Recommended to be served with a Rare/Medium Rare Steak
  • Similar to a Cabernet/Merlot Blend

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